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2023 23 Dez

Looking back 365 #2

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was man so das Jahr lang macht und nicht unbedingt immer so merkt … 

this version is a first approach, certain things will be complemented … 

es ist jahresendend, jahresendlich mit Schneeflocken, die nicht so schnell schmelzen  

and a few categories are even waiting still for being filled … 

alles eben vielfältig und um viele Ecken spannende Musik von vielen Generationen 






more pictures in extra post 


April  DrawNotes (box+booklet) 
August  Leporello Mishiyo Yagi

 Leporello Synesthetic 4

 Exposition at Buchbinderei Fuchs, Saalfelden 

September  Leporello Sun-Mi Hong 
October  Albumcover MIA DYBERG „Timestretch“ Clean Feed (Lisbon)
November  Albumcover VOSTOK „Remote Islands“  Relative Pitch Records (New York)










February  Exposition at domicil, Dortmund 
March  Exposition at Villa Waldberta, Feldafing





2023 what/where …….highlights…… 
March  Klaeng Festival Köln 

 Footprints (conference) BIMhuis  Amsterdam

 Elisabeth Coudoux (vcl) /Marlies Debacker/Robert  Landfermann/Kathrin Pechlof  

Fuensanta Ensamble  Grande (Fuensanta Mendez (b, voc), Marta Arpini (voc,  synth), Sanem Kalfa (voc), Liva Dumpe (voc), Laura Polence  (voc), Alistair Payne (tr), José Soares (sax), Sun-Mi Hong  (dr), Louis Cole (dr) 

Teis Semey Quintet 

April  Jazzahead! Bremen  Ava Trio  |  Kirke Karja/Etienne Renard/Ludwig Wandinger |
No Sax No Clar  |  Daniel Erdmann’s Thérapie de Couple  |  Schntzl  
May  Magnet Festival Wiesbaden

 Music Meeting Nijmegen

 Trio North (Mette Rasmussen (sax), Ingebrigt Håker Flaten  (b), Olaf Moses Olsen, dr) | Kirke Karja | Marlies Debacker

 Emine Bostanci Dareyn Quartet | Gyedu-Blay Ambolley & His  Secondi Band |  Linda Frederiksson Juniper 


June  Jazzdor Berlin

 InJazz Festival Rotterdam/Amsterdam

 Northsea Roundtown Festival


 Naïssam Jalal Healing Rituals w/Clément Petit (vcl), Claude  Tchamitchian (b), Zaza Desiderio (dr)

 Aki Takase/Louis Sclavis/Vincent Courtois

 Invisible Columns (Sanem Kalfa w/Jan Bang, Ambrose  Akinmusire, Kit Downes) – Televizyon (more see in article in  15 concerts of a residency, link in comment)

August  A L’Arme Festival Berlin

 Saalfelden Jazzfestival*

 Victoria Chen as part of Lukas König’s 1Above Minus    Underground | Veslemøy Narvesen Trio Holistic w/Ketija  Ringa (fl), Kit Downes (org)) No  Plexus „Rite of Passage“ =  Brechtje van Dijk, Allison Wright)
September  Punkt Festival Kristiansand 


 Gaudeamus Festival, Utrecht 

 Last Two Inches of Sky  |  Live Remix of Lutoslawski 4 +  Henriksen/Bang/Honoré by Hamid Drake/Even Sigurdsen  Røstad  |  Live Remix of. Benedicte Maurseth „Hárr“ by Nour  Sokhon 

 Nour Darwish & Nour Sokhon Healing Voices 


Oktober  Enjoy Jazz Festival*  Heidelberg/Mannheim/Ludwigshafen 

 Jazz Festival Skopje

 Nils Petter Molvaer KHMER 25 | Marginal Consort |

 Sylvie Courvoisier/Mary Halvorson Duo | Roberto Ottaviano  Eternal Love (Marco Colonna (cl), Giorgio Pacorig (p),  Giovanni Maier (b), Zeno de Rossi (dr) 

November  Jazzfest Berlin*

 Jazztopad Wrocław*

 Apparition   |    Marlies Debacker solo   | Clay Kin

 Henry Threadgill/Silke Eberhard Ensemble  

 Eve Risser’s Red Desert Orchestra „Eurythmia“

 Ava Mendoza solo   |  KRY

December  Interplanetary Night BIMhuis/SITP  Amsterdam  Duo Harmen Fraanje/Sanem Kalfa


    * indicates that I have seen only a part of the concerts. So, it’s my choice from THAT part of the concerts. 




STRONG (NEW) VOICES at the moment 


Marta Warelis | Kirke Karja | Camila Nebbia | Sofia Borges| Giuseppe Doronzo 

Victoria Shen 




Sanem Kalfa | Sun-Mi Hong | Ketija Ringa | Veslemøy Narvesen 

Antonin-Tri Hoang | Eve Risser 




Mette Rasmussen| Petter Eldh | Lukas König | Mona Matbou Riahi | Rojin Sharafi 

Taiko Saito 




Sunny Kim | Aviva Endean | Peter Knight | Even Sigurdsen Røstad | Mabe Fratti 






Looking back on this year this album is clearly my favourite. I followed Sylvie Courvoisier from the beginnings of her musical career through many years and musical constellations. She is maybe the musician i wrote about most. I should collect and review my texts one of these days. This new album is again a big leap in her development. At this moment she already has formed another new group, called POPPY SEEDS, that is as bold as CHIMAERA. It comprises Patricia Brennan (vibraphone), Thomas Morgan (bass) and Dan Weiss (drums). 


2023 22 Dez

Z a r t i r

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The richness, clarity and depth of the music of this album offers a secret and at the same time evident impact. It owns an astounding deep calmness going together with a high level of inner rhythmic agility in its yearning melos.


It has a transitional quality beyond icon and fresco, hovering between the echoes of the shimmering of the winding road of a lived past and the emergence of the whispering of imagined peaceful horizons.



2023 12 Dez

Hörwege #1

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in Bälde




of R e d D e s e r t O r c h e s t r a




Jazzfest 2023 Berlin had such a rich and wide variety of memorable
deep moments different for every visitor* …



2023 9 Nov

Jazzfest Berlin 2023 moments /1

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aka Louise Boer
of C L A Y K I N




Jazzfest 2023 Berlin had such a rich and wide variety of memorable
deep moments different for every visitor*




Es gab viele besondere Momente und Stimmungen während des diesjährigen Jazzfestes in Berlin. Hier ist es ein besonderer Henry Threadgill Moment



HENRY THREADGILL komponierte ein Auftragswerk getitelt „Simply Existing Surface“ für eine gemeinschaftliche Aufführung durch seine Gruppe ZOOID und die Berliner Gruppe POTSA LOTSA XL von SILKE EBERHARD komponierte. So etwas fällt ja nicht aus der Luft, sondern ist das Ergebnis jahrelanger Vorarbeit. Mehr dazu folgt.

Gefragt, ob die Kreativität im Alter schwände, antwortete Threadgill, dass er das schon merken werde, wenn er alt sei.


Eins der vielen Bilder vom diesjährigen Jazzfest Berlin / One of the many pictures of this year’s Berlin Jazzfest edition



PAAL NILSSEN-LOVE in Interaktion mit einer Gruppe Berliner Jugendlichen im Musikcamp des Festivals / Paal Nilssen-Love in interaction with a group adolescents during the music camp of the festival

PAAL NILSSEN-LOVE hat mit seiner Gruppe CIRCUS auf dem Festival ein donnerendes Konzert gegeben. Paal Nilssen-Love gave a thundering concert with his group CIRCUS.More about it later.


Eins der vielen Bilder vom diesjährigen Jazzfest Berlin / One of the many pictures of this year’s Berlin Jazzfest edition



AKI TAKASE in Interaktion mit einer Gruppe Berliner Jugendlichen, die am Musikcamp des Festivals teilgenommen haben / Aki Takase in interaction with a group adolescents that participated in music camp of the festival

AKI TAKASE hat zusammen mit ihrem Lebenspartner ALEXANDER VON SCHLIPPENBACH ein eindrucksvolles Duo-Konzert gespielt. Dazu später mehr / AKI TAKASE played in a duo with her husband ALEXANDER VON SCHLIPPENBACH an impressive duo concert. More about it later.

2023 8 Jul

Two courageous women

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Pianist Kateryna Ziabliuk, presently working in Krakow, and vocalist Natalia Kordiak from Warsaw form the duo TANOK. Tonite they play the club in Kyiv where Kateryna originally is coming from.


Both are exciting musicians you might know more about. Kateryna Ziabliuk performed last year twice at Jazzfest Berlin. 


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