
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2013 13 Juli

The tracklist of Jan Bangs „NARRATIVES FROM THE SUBTROPICS“, and a short remark

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | Comments off

Iron Balcony

Singer’s Ashes


Smashing Windows

The Deep Serene

Singer’s Childhood

Funeral Voyage

Interlude (Night Creatures)

Melee of Suitcases

Artificial Reeves

Sinking Ship

Flooded Corridors



Short remark: The titles suggest a journey by ship, the music is a very quiet and beautiful affair, the sadness involved could be experienced as a moving meditation on things lost and things being still there. This is non-action music of the highest order.

The names of the musicians: Jan Bang (akai sampler, programming, synthesizer, dictaphone, kaoss pad), Arve Henriksen, Eivind Aarset, Sidsel Endresen, Nils Petter Molvaer, Stian Westerhus, Erik Honore, Nils Chr. Moe-Repstad, Lars Danielsson, Undark, Tuule Kann, Tigram Hamasyan, and Dai Fujikura. The cd will be released September 6th on Jazzland Recordings. It’s no jazz, it’s „Where-am-I-music“. Brilliant.


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