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Archives: Ljubljana JAzzfestival

Vokale haben im Slovenischen eine spezielle Qualität. Sie vergleiten sehr kurz, viel kürzer als im Portugiesischen. Slovenen haben wenig Probleme Serbokroatisch zu verstehen. Das Umgekehrte scheint nicht zu gelten. Sprachklang, es bleibt ein erstaunliches Phänomen.
Musikalisch weiter im Text. Tony Buck, Lloyd Swanton, Chris Abrahams … nehmen ihren Platz ein.

Was am Anfang zu hören ist, lässt nun ganz und gar nicht vermuten,

welche massiven Klangwellen und -schwaden daraus hervorgehen, aufsteigen, sich ausbreiten

Die Differenzqualität bleibt faszinierend. Die Differenz zwischen dem, was die drei spielen, und dem, was man hört!

Faszinierend nicht nur, wie die drei diese Klangausbreitungen langsam aufbauen. Faszinierend vor allem, wie sie sie auf einem einmal erreichten Niveau ‚halten‘.

Was haben die Musiker mehr durch Zufall entdeckt und wie ging es dann in die Erschliessung dieser Spären?

Jedes Konzert anders, abhängig vom Spiel UND dem Raum! In Lubljana: sanfte Expansion, grosses Schweben, sanfter Abschwung.

Klarer Fall von: Live-Erleben durch nichts anderes zu ersetzen!

Early morning in wonderful Molde, Norway, yesterday. En route for twelve days. First Copenhagen, then Molde. Just returned via Oslo and Copenhagen. Arrived in steamy Amsterdam.

On my way back heading Oslo

In retrospect
COPENHAGEN: in search of a festival. During ten days more than thousand concerts there

MOLDE: in search of the magic of this place for/of music
Molde situated in the Romsdal region between Ålesund and Kristiansund was also place of this years’ Jazz Expo program of Norwegian jazz. Together with Ljubljana in Slovenia
– which started one year earlier in 1960 – Molde was a forerunner. These are the two oldest jazzfestivals in Europe. East and west, south and north, both on the periphery, both with a legendary history.
Now the festival in Molde finished, birds and cars have taken it over with their music. The seagulls are really loud but way up the mountain, bird sound becomes nicely varied, mingling with kids’ voice and rustle from the road down at the fjord. On my last day: bright sun, blue sky, kühle Brise, cool breeze, moderate temperature – perfect summer day. On top of the mountain long shadows of the trees. On the water of the fjord the white-blue ferries are crossing. Visible from here at near distance the small island Hjertøja with Kurt Schwitter’s hut. Schwitters merzed the hytta (hut) up during the nineteenthirties. And there was plenty of space around for Ludwig Wittgenstein to swim.

I am not an I-padler yet, posting thoughts on the spot, spontaneous reactions etc. on the site here immediately. You can find me on Facebook. I posted on Facebook regularly during being en route. I am in between, the old and new way of writing, the quick and the slow. Here’s a retrospective account of en route SOMMERVEIE in – with some inserts interspersed.
EN ROUTE SOMMERVEIE: Copenhagen – in search of a festival

EN ROUTE SOMMERVEIE: Talks and (semi)interviews
drummer and pianist Emanuele Maniscalco,
pianist Nikolaj Hess,
saxophonist/composer Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard,
drummer Peter Bruun,
pianist Simon Toldam,
ILK label-manager Eva Frost
pianist Karsten Dahl
Match&Fuse festival-organizer, Vafongool label manager Eirik Tofte
live-electronics master Jan Bang
Molde festival director Jan-Ole Otnæs, Molde festival volunteers Knut Inge Tho and Hans Christian Tho

EN ROUTE SOMMERVEIE: Molde – in search of the magic of a musical place Orchestral day – Different horses – Sangam rites and Rypdal rides – Into large’s and two’s – Transitions and transformations – Melodic orbits, melodic outbursts – Between heaven and earth

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