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Archives: Jokleba

Never believe a band that says it’s going to make a „dark“ album, Robert Forster once wrote. So, being very careful, I won’t say I will do a „dark“ radio show between Friday night and Saturday morning, but looking at the titles of the compositions alone might suggest to the innocent reader it possibly might become a „rather dark“ affair. And it cannot really calm anyone down announcing that my Scott Walker interview from today’s afternoon will probably be presented in three little excerpts – time enough left  for him to shout out (hair rising, shiver sending, making the idea of sleep a courageous thing) his „Lullaby“.


Ueb / Cease To Matter / Last Chance Gas & Water / Late Victorian Holocaust / Red Cafe / Soleil rouge / 12.1 / Tremens / 12.4 / Fetish / Night Procession / Bull / Cornubia / A Fearful Proper Din / A Darn Psi Inferno / Evening Star / Softy Gun Poison / Tomorrow Never Knows/ Atomos XI / Rawhide / Farmer in the City / Jesse / Epizootics! / Lullaby / Atomos II



Tremens is, as the other tracks, created in a state of amazement at the state of the world crumbling and tipping over to direct madness around us, as we play.

In the spring months we recorded, Ukraine, Syria, and ISIL happened, and for us, for the first time it is as if we are looking collective insanity in the eye.

We do not want to make program music as such, but this reality is reflected in the outpouring of sound as we try to sort out the bits of information we are fed, but are constantly diverted elsewhere.

In the same manner clarity in the music ( = pulse) is fed to you in bits, but ripped apart by sudden currents of parallel or opposite information .

This record is not a planned career move, it is a direct output of the energy in spring 2014 between the three of us.“

Jon Balke on the track „Tremens“ and the forthcoming album „Outland“ from Jokleba (Balke, Kleive, Jorgensen)


Jokleba never said they were going to make a dark album. It just happened, and it is so wild and uncompromising that it deserves the absence of the usual old words.  (me) 

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