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Archives: Jez Riley French


It‘s a running game of our enthusiasm to call out, once in a while, another contender for the album of the year, or at least, „wow, that will be among my top ten of 2018“, remember, Gregory? So, we really have already had our hours of drifting away or being totally absorbed, between sharply formed fire machines like David Torn‘s sharing company with Guitarreros from Switzerland, or Jon Hassell‘s vertical studies in sound. The best song albums of the year, for me, come from women I had never before heard singing.  But here comes a valuable addition to, well, a hot contender for another peak experience of its kind: his best album since the days of Chiaroscuro and Cartography. And very different from those ones. THE HEIGHT OF THE REEDS. By Mr. Arve Henriksen. And Eivind Aarset. And Jan Bang. And Jez Riley French. And the chorus and orchestra of opera north, conducted by Justin Doyle. Better order it at the website of Rune Grammofon now. Oh, god, it‘s so great. I will miss the Punkt festival this year. Hope they will sell it there in big numbers. It‘s a stunner. One of our albums of September. I better shut my mouth now. This is a cliffhanger.


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