The English language has an immense word treasury. More words than your trusted teacher may ever have come across. Those words a well-speaking German human being does not really know work as a source of inspiration in the right context. Imagine you have heared an old raga recording of Ravi Shankar, or you´re just back from the first Central Park visit in your life. You’re very hungry, keen on a great Indian restaurant. You find a description of JUNOON in the blue nowhere of the net. And here, every unknown word is fun and does increase your appetite. And even if you know all the words: fantasies are spinning off. „The heart and soul of this luxe Chelsea eatery is its glassed-in spice room, where chef Vikas Khanna hand-grinds and mixes house blends each morning. He deploys seven whole spices – including star anise, cloves and cardamom pods—in a pungent, burgundy-hued curry that coats a lamb shank, slow-braised until the meat nearly slides from the bone. Other evidence of the room´s sorcery fills the regionhopping menu, organized by traditional methods of Indian cooking – not just tandoor and handi (pot cooking), but also tawa (cast-iron) sigri (fire pit) and patthar (stone). Along the way, the thoughtful spicing also appears in plump Goan shrimp with blazing piri-piri sauce, a ginger-marinated chicken kebab cooled by pureed avocado and even cocktails served in the sultry front lounge.“ At least two Manafonistas will be at this place in 2015 and possibly share their experiences spicing them with some strange sounding words. An interview with Vikas Khanna is in preparation.
2015 18 Feb
Junoon, New York, and the spicy language of Indian cooking
von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 5 Comments
Michael Engelbrecht:
It has not always to be Ravi Shankar. A record I love madly is this one: Masters of Raga: Kamalesh Maitra – Tabla Tarang – Ragas on Drums. 1993. It contains exactly what it says it is. And it’s a brilliant recording, btw. If I do get my passport in time, I might be the third Manafonista who’ll be there. The word „braised“ sounds great, „slow-braised“.
Ulrich Kriest:
Die Speisekarte liest sich sehr ungewöhnlich und spannend. Bin gerade in Brooklyn. Wenn es die Zeit erlaubt und ein, zwei Plätze zu reservieren sind, werde ich die Gelegenheit nutzen und berichten.
Michael Engelbrecht:
Please keep us posted. What a coincidence. Might be a good place for the second Manafonistas meeting :) btw, what are you doing there: Seeing chamber jazz come into being at Avatar studios …?
Ulrich Kriest:
Jan would like this idea, for sure. But Junoon is quite expensive. With Tax and Tip it will cost you at least $400 for two persons. Yesterday I discovered japanese influenced mexican cuisine at the Chelsea Market. Funny? Just visiting friends here, actually no music plans. Looking forward to a screening of „California Split“ at the Film Forum on Friday. Haven´t seen this movie for ages.
Michael Engelbrecht:
This old Altman movie!? Two gamblers … Loved that film decades ago…
I think meal at JUNOON can be much cheaper if you don’t take the 5 dishes all around menu!