Hello, my name is Johnny Appleseed! Fun! That’s what’s in this package. No serious message, no brutal revelations; just fun, historic fun. From a time when the Beatles (and a whole generation) took themselves less seriously, HELP! provided the soundtrack to many of our lives and times. Ringo’s life is imperiled by an ancient sacrificial ring stuck on his finger. The ring makes him the target of a group of hilariously demented oriental mystics, who chase the boys from London to the Swiss Alps to the Bahamas. But wait! There’s more to this perfectly restored classic than meets the eye – namely an electrifying encoded Hi-Fi soundtrack, adding an unprecedented dimension to the original songs: HELP! „You’re Gonna Lose That Girl,“ „You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away,“ „Ticket to Ride,“ „I Need You,“ „Another Girl“ and „The Night Before“. The visual execution of these songs is incredibly stylish – so just relax and experience this movie event, and let the memories of a lost era flood your mind! Best wishes from Mr. Appleseed!
2013 25 Juni
„Help“ restored, on BluRay and DVD
von: Manafonistas Filed under: Musik vor 2011 | TB | Tags: Zeitreisen | Comments off
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