„It’s a big meal all around, easy to choke on. The best way to listen to it: You’ve got a fine new driveaway car with a top-notch stereo system. You’re traveling cross-country from Ohio to California. It’s 1:30 am and you’ve just finished your greasy dinner at a truck stop in Council Bluffs, Iowa. You drive off. You’ve got a large, weak, and extremely hot coffee positioned between your legs, and you listen to the album between Kearney, Nebraska, and Sterling, Colorado. It needs that kind of captive audience“(Steve Tibbetts)
Milestones – Klassiker der Jazzgeschichte – Steve Tibbetts: Safe Journey / Big Map Idea / The Fall Of Us All, live (!!!) mit Michael Engelbrecht am 18. Mai, 4.05 Uhr morgens in der Radionacht des Deutschlandfunks