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Archives: rosatos video archiv


The Carla Bley Trio – Munich 2002

Carla Bley, piano

Andy Sheppard, saxophones

Steve Swallow, bass



Succession, season 2: a glorious descent into the abyss of rich, cynical and broken people, with the most sex-related dialogue ever, a class A diploma in black screwball comedy stylings – and a shocking showdown. Yes, you have to start with season 1   – ***** (amazon prime)


Giri / Haji, limited series: Tokyo and London, love lost, love found, flawed characters who try to cope with the nearly unbearable. An absolutely brilliant „crime-and-much-more“ story, with a ballet / dance sequence in the final episode Pina Bausch might deeply have been impressed by (I was) – ***** (netflix)


The Stranger, limited series: Based on a Harlan Coben crime novel, it is a good binge, with an excellent cast that guarantees moments  of depth the all too many storylines lack a bit – anyway, good stuff for a lazy weekend –  ***1/2 (netflix)


Marriage Story (movie) – Praised without end, this is, in my decent opinion, one of the most boring „art movies“ I‘ve seen in decades. And where‘s the comedy element you always read about here – I couldn‘t even smile once. And the drama? If complete boredom may be the way to enlightenment, as they say, then, please, guys, travel down the road of misery! – *1/2 (netflix)


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