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Archives: „Descent (Out Of Our Constrictions)




Any interest in „ritual groove music“ of highest order? Cross-references between modern jazz and ancient traditons? Time slowing down, deeper trance states? Here we go: it is a good way to start your journey into Joshua Abrams‘ Natural Information Society with the last two albums of this wonderful, ever-changing unit. Both have been released on Aguirre Records, Leuven, Belgium. One live, one from the studio. The new one, „Since Time Is Gravity“, presents quite a big ensemble and will be part of next week‘s „JazzFacts“ (Deutschlandfunk), with an insightful feature by Niklas Wandt, in which Joshua speaks, too, about the harmonium player Lisa Alvarado’s cover art for these albums, a parallel to the way Don and Moki Sherry made their stages a place like home. And, unforgettable, at nighttime, two or three years ago, Joshua Abrams‘ „psychedelic“ introduction to the other „Aguirre“ release, the double album „Descent (Out Of Our Constrictions)“ in which the core group was joined by a stellar contribution from Evan Parker (both works available on cd, dl – and vinyl!).



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