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Archives: Charlie Haden

Yesterday the first open-air live event (the wind was a bit to cold still): a pre-opening gathering of Rotterdam’s NORTH SEA ROUND TOWN city community festival with its 350 musical events at 125 locations …



Stro/ing free form Body Voice (Fl)Air(y) Sweeps – forte effusione frappant



Sanem Kalfa, (voc, cello), Lucija Gregov (cellos), Alice de Maio and Kelly Bigirindavyi (dance) presented the very personal exploration of their 3-days residency at Wibbine Kien’s Driebergen Farm on the rural outskirts of Rotterdam – A closeness experience of open throws and hitting arrows.



Here only a few pictures of many sequences of gripping movements of bodies, voices, strings, eyes and souls in high directness.



Apropos closeness … an album with duets of Charlie Haden comes to mind, released 1976. It’s duos with Ornette Coleman, Keith Jarrett, Alice Coltrane and Paul Motian, an early (unforgettable) school of listening. Simply a cross-sectional association.

AUDIO  Closeness Duets

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