
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2022 14 Dez.

Soundtrack, Snow, Silence

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 5 Comments

(Alte Empfehlung: nicht Bild an Bild stossen lassen in der Abfolge von zwei Blogeinträgen; the department of design)


I love the fleeting, fugitive experiences of losing myself in „Music For Films“, the album from the late 70‘s, the one  with the monochromatic cover. The tracks of Brian Eno’s first album for imaginary films – every one of them – seem to vanish, nearly, in the moment of their first taking shape (blossoming). Like apparitions. That‘s why I often don‘t wanna miss a moment. Holding time. They are simply – said simply – too beautiful. And they make me, too, dream of places I wanna be, Rantum Beach, for example, when there are no people around. Early morning sunrise. Or first snow. That lonesome beach chair. My long black coat a memory. A psychedelic scarf around my neck, blue, red, orange, violet. Faraway places, coming close.


This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2022 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Copy and Paiste:

    Sylt als Wintermärchen,sylt1498.html

  2. Martina Weber:

    Wow, both: the beauty of your text (again) and the Syltian picture show.

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    It is a little film footage from NDR from the day the snow came, on Dec. 8

    The text just a kind of reprise of an old one.

    Just a reminder for some people to listen to MUSIC FOR FILMS (again).

  4. Martina Weber:

    It worked with me. I did put the CD in (again).

  5. Interaktionist:

    And that’s exactly how Daniel Lanois‘ new album works for me. However, I have to visit the sonic landscapes of „Music for films“, again. Besides, wonderful Sylt pictures. I have never experienced snow on this island.

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