Singing in her very own language (free of semantics and any oldfashioned business of message) she is the greatest female shaman of the northern atmosphere, and the experimental guitarist at her side knows how to paint a landscape for a voice. A wild, wild world. („Quick shot review“ of a Rune Granmofon highlight by m.e.; drawing by H.B.)
(May 2015, Deutschlandfunk). Timing is part of every radio production, even in live broadcasts. And that’s where it got interesting last night: I realised half an hour before the start that I had far too much text, and it was important to me to play the final track of the night show from start to end, one of those stunning pieces from „Didimoy Dreams“ by Sidsel Endresen and Stian Westerhuis. Not giving it a fucking fast fade-out. So I proceeded like a berserker, throwing out sentence after sentence, a lively deletion of whole passages, adding a new short thought or sentence here and there to re-establish lost context. My favourite technician behind the glass and I had a lot of fun, and in the end, after a longer piece from the ECM album „Dream Logic“ (with those other Punkt Festival pioneers Jan and Eivnd), and before „Didimoy Dreams“, the seconds merciless proceeding, I improvised freely into the microphone because I couldn’t read my own scrawl. And, interesting, I even surprised myself with what I said on Sidsel‘s singing. It was much more personal than intended, but, then again, no reasons for „academics“ when you follow a voice you love, in dimmed studio lights. (m.e.)