
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2022 30 Mai

ECM 1403

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

Whatever the story of this album, whose number includes my birthday, and which is currently even available on vinyl – this is an ECM production of improvisors  that completely passed me by, and I have no idea why. One violin and three percussion players, promising, the names speak volumes anyway – and the facts that the oddly titled work combines two widely separated sessions, involving two of the label’s top sound engineers, quite unusual. Part of the answer, this is Shankar‘s last album for the label. Some art, some business, left unfinished.



Shankar double violin
Zakir Hussain tabla
Vikku Vinayakram ghatam
Jon Christensen drums


Recorded 1987 and 1989 at Studio Bauer,  and Rainbow Studio
Engineers: Martin Wieland and Jan Erik Kongshaug
Completed and mixed 1989 at Rainbow Studio, Oslo
Engineer: Jan Erik Kongshaug
Produced by Manfred Eicher


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