Marc Johnson speaking / Marc Johnson: Nardis, from Overpass / Feature 1: Solo clarinet: „Light Line“ by Chris Speed (Bert Noglik) / Masabumi Kikuchi: Improvisation, from Hanamichi / Don Cherry: „Festival De Jazz De Chateauvallon 1972“ / Feature 2: „Organic Music Societies“ (Karl Lippegaus) / Maridalen speaking / Maridalen: from Maridalen (Jazzland) / Nils Petter Molvaer: Stitches (VÖ: 27.8.) / Feature 3: „Was hörst du?“ – Eva Klesse“ (Hendrika Entzian) / Marc Johnson: Samurai Fly, from Overpass (VÖ: 27.8.) / Marc Johnson speaking
Es ist eine spannende Sendung geworden, glaube ich. Special thanks to Lukas Fehling who set the controls for the heart of the sun, technically speaking, and to Gerd Daaßen who exercised the norwegian words „Blir det regn i dag, tru?“ like a funny mantra of its own kind.