5. Terje Rypdal: Terje Rypdal / What Comes After / Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away / Descendre (ECM reissues autumn 2020)
6. Joni Mitchell: Archives – Volume 1 (The Early Years 1963 – 1967)
7. Beverly Glenn-Copeland: Transmissions (The Music of Beverly Glenn-Copeland)
8. Hiroshi Yoshimura: Green
This batch of four cd‘s is nothing less than classic Rypdal: some of his cornerstones from the 70‘s build a road from adventurous beginnings to early classics with a variety of approaches and the most personal sound. Rock‘s ancient riffs meet Free Jazz and Fusion all along a Nordic landscape that knows french horns, violas, terrific trombones and a new kind of classiscism.
There are good reasons not to dive deep into the beginnings of Joni – if you want her masterpieces! Then go immediately to Blue, go to Court and Spark, go to Hejira, go to Mingus. Here you find early tape recordings, surprising radio and live performances, insecurities, a brave heart and, for sure, essential steps to open guitar tunings, some songs that would unfold their intricacies in years to come. Here you find raw atmospheres, delicate moods, a young woman fighting for her vision in a folk scene that‘s a bit obsessed with looking backwards.
I never came across the name of Beverly Glenn-Copelland before. But over the years I made some discoveries in the new age world. There have been interesting explorers in the genre that‘s so close to spirituality and the Great Beyond that it can easily be too sacred, too holy moly for agnostics. But then there are artists like Beverly who just follow their vision across most disparate genres, from keyboard fantasies to singalong gospels. If the charm works, all labels are gone.
„Bei Green geht es nicht um frühe ökologische Klangverkompostung, sondern viel mehr, wie in Yoshimuras gesamtem Werk um shizukesa, was sich nur annäherungsweise als subtiles Konglomerat von Heiterkeit, Gelassenheit, Ruhe und Stille verstehen lässt und seine weiteren darin verborgenen Nuancen sich am besten beim Hören erschließen.“ So sagt es Uli Koch in seiner Reihe „Japanese Jewels“, und nun liegt bei Light in the Attic endlich die Ur-Ausgabe dieses Ambient-Klassikers aus Japan vor. Endlos hörenswert