
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2019 22 Aug.

A great interview with Neil Young

von: Brian Whistler Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments


Neil Young’s Lonely Quest to Save Music


Wow, this is my kind of interview. Addresses the negative effects music file compression have on the body / mind, of childhood polio and what that did for Young as a young creative, breaks the “4th Wall” and allows the writer’s personal story to interface with Young’s in an incredibly honest, vulnerable and not at all gratuitous way, speaking to childhood diseases (both the writer and Young have kids with neurological diseases) and using music to help rewire their brains. A fascinating read.


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  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Not agree with everything, but it‘s a strong read and Young‘s a strong spirit. I recently heard TIME FADES AWAY, the reissue on vinyl, and it sounds, well, strong, raw, powerful – a heaven and hell ride of a live album! Dark adventurous rock.

  2. Brian Whistler:

    Yeah I don’t buy everything he says, although I have already expressed my views regarding the horrible quality of typical low end streaming- I think the author’s description of it sounding like a fan is quite accurate. Of course, now that I can listen to MQA thru my Audioquest dragonfly red on the go, I’m pretty spoiled. I keep thinking about the 18 year old me with my Sony Walkman, thinking I had the shit. If only he could hear what I have now! Sometimes, I prefer to listen to music with my Audeze isine 20 cans this way over my antiquated living room system, One of these days I will finally upgrade to something decent and really hear what’s on my CDs.

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