
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 2 Mai

„Ocean Rain“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments

„It’s just such a beautiful piece of art, this album, really gorgeous. It’s a world that Echo & The Bunnymen  create; you’re stepping into a place that feels very real with them. And again, back to my hidden goth. I don’t have an inner child, I have an inner goth. I had maybe one or two friends that shared my love for them at the time, so this album is very personal. It’s not a social album for me. It was very much something I kept for and to myself. The older I get, I realise how impactful it was for me. There’s not a missable moment: every song is perfect on its own, and then all woven together, it’s a beautiful thing. It’s perfect. Beauty is really the word; it’s just got this dark blue beauty, album cover aside – how it feels as well. I was listening to it the other day and was thinking, it’s like 40 minutes long, and it feels like hours to me, in the best possible way. There’s so much – I feel like it’s not just linear.“

(Tanya Donelly)


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  1. Ian M:

    Wow. Yes. And so many great lines, like:

    „If my heart is at war, its soldiers are bleeding/ If my heart is at war, its soldiers are dead“

    „Where are you/ In shadows only I can see
    Looking for hope/ And you hope it’s me“

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    I somehow missed the band.
    But reading this memory, I‘m keen to listen to it.
    And I will (just ordered a copy for my inner goth!)

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