
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 4 Apr.

You cannot measure theses sounds. (2)

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 6 Comments



Different ways of getting, having, and holding. Sometimes, in the past, it was simply there, from one moment to the other, on air, on Europawelle Saar, in the room of your teenager buddy – your life‘s musical history is accompanied by regularly  falling in love at first sound. It was more complex when you know the music of your desire would arrive, someday soon, you may have read about it – oh, this rough mix of joy, impatience, daydreaming! At this point in time, and after several disappointments in 2018 (Laurie Anderson, David Byrne a.o. old company)  there is no record to be seen in the near future that makes me bite in my teeth, shiver with pre-excitement, wanting to share my untamable enthusiasm for an album that is not yet there. Is this the final arrival of the all-encompassing age of  recycling and rewinding so that (in the end) only those records make you hum that are full of distant echoes, and close to falling apart in the most beautiful ways. They have a hidden f o r t e, no doubt, but  great records  like the ones from Yo La Tengo, Jakob Bro, John Surman or Andy Sheppard send you into dreamspace, for all the good reasons.

I go to the rock arena, and what do I get: a ridiculously bad Jack White album, an agitated  post-punk horseshit that real critics applaud to like something that would not be forgotten by the end of the year. I remember the days I waited for a Robert Wyatt or Brian Eno song album many, many moons, and when it was clear, they would land in my small place on the planet, a kind of Christmas vibe was all around. Days ago, I got an email from the son of the late „fifth man“ of The Beatles, no kidding,  and he wrote though things are in preparation, it would definitely not yet be clear that the Fab Four‘‘s „White Album“ would be reissued, sensurround and all, in the autum of 2018. My most anticipated album from 2018 stems from somewhere deep in the last century.

I  contacted Green Garthside,  because I know Scritti Politti is working on the next album,  but it is all delayed and questionable. At least Robert Forster said, a new song cycle might appear. A man and his guitar will rock you. You like the woman at his side on violin. She makes you think of Regensburg. You had another love there, slim, brown, sexy. You made love to her, near the big river, no, she made love to you, you both went to a gig  of a band that was writing German Rock History, „Fehlfarben“, they toured their „Monarchie und Alltag“-album. Did it rock you? No, a bit only. She did rock you. Memory mode in pastel. Memory fade mode. All quiet. Dark night. Coming. A sound out of nowhere. Like, like…, yes: The The did rock you, „Soul  Mining“ was a killer.

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 4. April 2018 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. ijb:

    Never liked Jack White much (apart from the two Dead Weather cds), and his first couple of solo albums were indeed rather forgettable, and basically every review on the new one I came across agrees with you, stating it’s a silly mess. However, I came across one podcast reviewer who argued rather convincingly why it’s actually his first very inspired and creative (contemporary rock) album, apparently for the first time (four years in between this one and the previous album). But it also became clear that it’s (obviously) a divisive piece of work. So I am quite curious about it and will get it soon.

    Von Yo La Tengo hab ich übrigens genau auch die vier, die du vor einigen Tagen benannt hast. „Painful“ klingt mir persönlich zwar etwas zu flach, ich mag lieber „I am not afraid of you and I will …“. „Popular Songs“ gefällt mir auch gut. Das neue ist sehr schön, aber restlos gepackt hat es mich noch nicht. Schöne Sounds und unerwartete Songstrukturen allerdings.

    Ich empfehle sehr, mal das neue Album von Kira Skov zu hören. Kann ich sehr empfehlen.

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

  3. Martina Weber:

    Soul Mining – jep, das habe ich gleich mal aus dem Plattenschrank geholt und, nachdem ich es viele Jahre nicht mehr gehört habe, mal wieder aufgelegt. Ich habe es erst 1991 entdeckt, es ist eine große Liebe damit verknüpft und noch während hier „This is the day“ läuft, ist die Stimmung sofort wieder da: Dass das Leben ganz anders sein kann, immer wieder. The Sinking Feeling.

  4. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Fair enough.

    The last record that made me jump high was Neil Young‘s THE VISITOR. Really disturbing. So it is ever a question of critical consensus.

  5. Olaf:

    Same here. My favorite records at the moment / of 2018 also float in the half-between, suspended in the space between sound and silence. I like that space, but I also miss something. I hope that the Mouse on Mars Album will rock, even if it’s only a bit.

    I think the the are performing in London this year. Very important band for me, listening to them transports me right back into the emotional turmoil that is puberty.

  6. Michael Engelbrecht:

    yeah…same to me, tiny difference: by The The I am amongst other things transported back to the emotuonal turmoil – after puberty!

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