
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2017 6 Dez.

Manamory 15/2017 (Searching for a Raincoat)

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments


All I remember I loved one album of the Raincoats, and I did only have one. But though the covers are simply unforgettable, I‘m not sure which one it was. Over the years I lost the album, but still today I know that I would love the music all over again. Like „Colossal Yourh“. Like the first album of the Violent Femmes. Was it even the Raincoats record where Robert  (as it googled me) played drums on one track or whatever?



„It’s a good thing Jenn Pelly’s 33 ⅓ book about the Raincoats’ first album is so compact, because after tearing through it in 48 hours, I carried it around with me for weeks. I reread passages while listening to the record on the train, in bars, and curled up in bed with a cup of tea, hearing something new every time. She writes: „Each instrument is a character, singing. The melodic base, a trickster; the scratchy violin, a dramatist. The serrated noise guitar is lawless. The wandering drums dance.”






„Le Chat qui Pêche,
Rue de la Huchette.
Paris at night,
and the strains of a ghost saxophone.“

(Robert Wyatt, Old Europe)

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2017 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Lajla:

    Le Chat qui pêche ist ein kleines Restaurant, wo wir früher unsere Rucksäcke abstellen konnten, ohne was trinken zu müssen. Heute ist es ein gesichtsloses Restaurant am rive gauche. Ich gehe immer hinein, wenn ich in Saint Germain bin und erzähle der Kellnerin über unsere Beatnikzeiten.

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Es war einst auxh ein Jazzclub.
    Wusste gar nixht, dass der Laden, wenngleich gesichtslos, noch existiert.

    Die Zeilen stammen aus Robert Wyatts Song OLD EUROPE, eine ironische Anspielung an den widerlichen Kriegstreiber Donald Rumsfeld, der zynisch vom „alten Europa“ sprach.

    Das Lied, voller Wehmut, singt auch von Miles und Juliette, Gregor hat es in etlichen seiner Jukeboxen laufen.

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    I think I buy their first two albums and will do the memory game.

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