Very few British bands of the 60s & onwards ever wrote as exquisitely as did the Kinks. They made poetry in song out of Victoriana & its eccentricities, lauded Britain & its varied classes „taking the piss out of“ everyone from toffs to those „who actually did the work“. They also laid the foundation of one of the finest riffs of the sixties & beyond, check out „All day & all of the Night“& „You really got me“, just for starters. They wrote love songs which we all were drawn into, whether we were in love or not, (Waterloo Sunset), lauded & exposed the dandies of Carnaby Street (Dandy). They Inspired Richard Thompson to expose the demons of the business world (The money shuffle). The Kinks ventured into murky waters of the time, & sang about gays, transsexuals & transgenders with aplomb (Lola). They also inspired, well I believe they did, Roy Harper to write a classic, which gave heart to the passing of traditions. (When an old cricketer leaves the crease). The more I think of it, the more comes to mind. But if I spoon-fed all of the gems to you, what would be left to test your mind & offer you a wonderful journey of discovery. Yesterday never knows, good night and good luck.