
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2017 6 Feb

Dub Housing

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags: , | Comments off



“Isn’t it weird when that happens?‘ says Zazi. ‚It’s like the first time I heard the second Pete Ubu album and thought it just blew completely, I thought anyone who liked it must be stupid and full of shit–and then for about a year it was practically the only album I listened to. It was the only album that made any sense at all. So why does that happen? The music hasn’t changed. The movie hasn’t changed. It’s still the same exact movie, but it’s like it sets something in motion, some understanding you didn’t know you could understand, it’s like a virus that had to get inside you and take hold and maybe you shrug it off–but when you don’t it kills you in a way, not necessarily in a bad way because maybe it kills something that’s been holding you back because when you hear a really great record or see a really great movie, you feel alive in a way you didn’t before, everything looks different, like what they say when you’re in love or something–though I wouldn’t know–but everything is new and it gets into your dreams.”

― Steve Erickson, from his novel Zeroville

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