
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2016 8 Aug


von: Lajla Nizinski Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | Comments off

Martha war gekränkt. Sie konnte nicht glauben, was Peter da geschrieben hatte. Sie griff zum Telefon und rief ihn kurz entschlossen an.

Peter, how dare you to act like a woman?

Martha my dear, what’s cooking?

Peter, yesterday evening I was listening to WILCO. In „Solitaire“ they sing: „Once I thought the world was crazy.“ A dear swiss friend had dinner with me and was listening as well. She mentioned a book about this subject, she read recently. It’s about a travelling Tramp, who claimed: „Die Welt ist verkehrt, nicht wir.“

So what. Are you really into WILCO? You know that I play trumpet, I was just listening to Hilde Marie Holsen, a norwegian musican. She plays the trumpet extraordinarily.

Peter, don’t let us talk about music. I called you to figure out, why you wrote a book about female orgasm.

Well, Martha, I know that you are a feminist. I was surprised when I heard you recently mention that you like men.

Ah, Peter, don’t be so charming! It’s true, I do a lot to keep in good shape. I run everyday 90 minutes, and I sing everyday 60 minutes. I feel great.

Yeah, you look great. I wrote my new book to take the stress out of mankind. Especially of women. In future sex will no longer mean to make babies, sex will be just for fun. I watched the fish how they laid their eggs and how the eggs were fertilized. Maybe in future we will act like them.

Jesses, Peter, you are so crazy. I assume you watched too many South Parc episodes. Pleaaaazzzze, come down to earth.

Ha, Martha, did you know, that in one South Parc episode the parents were so fucked up, because they couldn’t handle Pokémon?

Pokémon players are more addicted to the „Kapital“ than we ever were. They just sit in public and play. They aren’t the „schreckliche Kinder“, they are the poor kids. They deliver the whole material to the greedy monopolists, who are soaking them out and analyze them.

Right, Martha. What are you writing just now?

I am preparing a book about „Age and Wisdom“.

Wow, that sounds pretty much puritanical.

Don’t worry, Peter. I am sorry to leave you know, have to rush to my card playing group.


Peter Sloterdijk: Das Schelling-Projekt, erscheint im September.

Martha Nussbaum: Age and Wisdom, erscheint 2017.

Wilfried Meichtry: Die Welt ist verkehrt, nicht wir. Nagel & Kimche 2015.

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