
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 26 Dez.

Memory Lane on the Isle of Skye: a farewell, a whisky, and still knowing how to walk

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

It may be the Outer Hebrides, the Shetlands, the Isle of Skye. Films had been made there on location, the bleak landscape, the locals, their day-to-day rituals, sheep, fishing, the old folk songs in the evening. Thrillers by Ann Cleaves, comedies in post-war times linked wirh the Ealing Studios. Lately a team of young film makers appeared on scene, shot a film for a big whisky company (unofficially), beyond the mainstream of advertising a product. A great short film, not short  of melancolia, not short of breath. Let some truth sink in and chose your own drink! No reason to be ashamed of going sentimental!

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