
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 14 Jun

Summer In the City

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments

I’m just preparing my last „three hour-show“ for the „Radionacht Klanghorizonte“ on June 20th beginning one hour after midnight. Before starting a two-months-offtime. (In July the jazz department of the Deutschlandfunk will broadcast an old portrait of mine of pianist Myra Melford, that’s all from my side.) The tracklist of the three hours (Neuland / Zeitreise / Nahaufnahme) will be published one day after broacasting. On June 21st. There will be no „podcast“ this time, on this site. From August onwards the show will be five (!) hours long, a real trip to the end of the night. The photo shows the covers (segments of them) of the four vinyl albums I’ll play in the „time travel zone“. A quick look will reveal a strange lack of coherence between the four records. But there is connection, you can bet on that.



This entry was posted on Sonntag, 14. Juni 2015 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Sonator:

    just a few hours unto „Das magische Jahrzehnt von Keith Jarrett“

    I’d like to call attention to Jarrett’s first appearance as solo improvisor on record: „Love No. 3“ from Charles Lloyd Quartet „Journey Within“. For my ears, my mind, my soul (one of) the most magical moment(s) experienced with Jarrett’s music.

    Unfortunately it’s not from the „magical seventies“, so we won’t meet it in „Klanghorizonte“


  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    You’re fuckin‘ damned right, but I hope you could nevertheless enjoy the show!
    (Nighthawk Department).

  3. sonator:

    enjoyed !!!

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