
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 18 Jan.

A minimalist review of the 10th Punktfestival, Kristiansand, 2014

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments

John Tilbury / Keith Rowe / Kjell Bjørgeengen: Worstward Ho, based on a text by Samuel Beckett (text recorded by Aleks Kolkowski) – **** (hard core minimalism, lacking some dynamics, but compensating this with gritty „Beckettism“, some people snorling, some enlightened in the dark – good trance induction!)

Streifenjunko + Sheriffs of Nothingness – **** (a wonderful exploration of instrumental possibilities, never academic, always with a beating heart, one  minor quibble: they seemed a bit afraid of melodies:)) 

Håkon Stene: Lush Laments for Lazy Mammal with Sigbjørn Apeland, Ellen Ugelvik and Tanja Orning – ****  (the spirit of Laurence Crane, Gavin Bryars and Eno’s Obscure records brought to life, one kind advice: no dry, shy announcements of the single pieces, better doing it all as one big piece) 



Michael Engelbrecht: Storytelling for burning songs (Or: how to make radio magic) – **** (I was good:)) 

Jana Winderen / Mike Harding: From Punk to Punkt – **** (entertaing mix of the story of the british label Touch and Jana’s field recording adventures)

A meeting with Laurie Anderson – **** (very personal, the person Laurie replacing the persona, the dog episode heartfelt, even the technical problems added to the authenticity) 


Spacemonkey (Morten Qvenild / Gard Nilssen) – **** (a living beast, better than the Hubro record) 

Live Remix: Eivind Aarset / Samuel Rohrer / Jan Bang – *** 1/2 (this one grew from uncertainty to thrill!) 

Erik Honoré: Heliographs release concert w/Ingar Zach / Eivind Aarset / Jeffrey Bruinsma / Arve Henriksen – **** (a good introduction to Erik’s  brilliant solo debut „Heliographs“) 

Live Remix: Erik Honoré / Raffaele Casarano – ** (sorry, this was too much kitsch, sugar shock zone!) 

Fennesz: Bécs – *** (not coming close to the album’s subtleties, but nevertheless an immersive experience) 

Live Remix: Zapp 4 / Jan Bang / Erik Honoré – ****  (Sophisticated) 



Seducing the seducer: A conversational navaid to Bangsonics. Henning Bolte in conversation with Jan Bang – **** (informative and entertaining) 

Morten Qvenild: The HyPer(sonal) Piano – **** (informative and entertaining, too – a look into Morten’s laboratory, not without self-irony)


Zapp 4 / Jan Bang – **** (very sophisticated, the seed of  a probably great studio recording) 

Maria Laurette Friis / Kresten Osgood / Dodebum – * (free improv boredom desaster) 

Live Remix: Nils Petter Molvaer / Hamid Drake / Eivind Aarset / Jan Bang – **** (the right medicine after the Danish exercise in going nowhere and never finding the exit:  Hamid Drake was the vital heart of this group’s fire!) 

An Evening with Laurie Anderson, Arve Henriksen and Fennesz – ** 1/2 (the big disappointment, Laurie Anderson  was much too reluctant, nearly no stories, no songs, a lot was left to Arve and Christian who could not create the suspense expected from a Laurie Anderson performance. And the music was much too loud in parts. A wasted opportunity. And Laurie should have followed her own advice of the lecture the day before: never trust punchlines! The end of the concert was exactly that: a series of punchlines!) 

This entry was posted on Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Fredrik Hossmann:

    StreifenJunko (a wonderful exploration of instrumental possibilities, never academic, always with a beating heart, one minor quibble: they seemed a bit afraid of melodies:))

    The line about fear of melodies have been coming to me a lot since i read it :-) Thanks for sharing it :-) Changes how i listen to their music – trying to imagine what it would sound like if they should dare to explore more melodic material :-)

  2. Fredrik Hossmann:

    Yes the talk with Laurie Anderson left a bigger impression on me than the concert itself – which was in my opinion loud without content. But i am happy she was there and that i got to meet her in person. One out of two aint that bad :-)

  3. Fredrik Hossmann:

    What is missing from the list is the exquisite vocal improvisation i did with somebody unnamed from England while stretching my legs between the sets.

    That was 4 **** and possibly half – in my humble opinion :-)

    But i realize it was outside of the official program and that you were not there, so i understand and excuse you for not including it in your minimalist list of punkt 2014.

    One * for the free improv boredom desaster is a bit too much though, even as a way of showing how tolerant and open you are. I suggest you remove it and add it to any of the others.

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