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2014 23 Aug.

New Jackson Browne album, „Standing In The Breach“

von: Uwe Meilchen Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments

Not only Leonard Cohen will release a new album, Jackson Browne also readies a new release, as MOJO Magazine reports online.

Ringing peals of guitar herald the coming of a great new Jackson Browne release, itself a harbinger of an October 6-7 album, Standing In The Breach, his 14th. Browne fans will find the rousing electric incarnation unfamiliar, but the song itself is from the archive.

The Birds Of St. Marks was originally recorded on April 6, 1970 as a demo for Criterion Music, and first emerged on Browne’s 2005 album, Solo Acoustic Vol 1. Concerning a medieval-ish queen sequestered in sadness behind castle walls, the song was inspired by Velvet Underground songstrel Nico, with whom the young Browne, as a dashing young-songwriter about town, had a dalliance. Browne songs and co-writes – These Days, Somewhere There’s A Feather, The Fairest Of The Seasons – lay at the heart of the Teutonic ice-maiden’s 1967 debut solo album, Chelsea Girl.

The new band treatment of The Birds Of St. Marks sees Browne (acoustic guitar), Val McCallum (electric guitar), Don Heffington (drums), and Bob Glaub (bass) joined by Greg Leisz on 12-string guitar, while McCallum and Kipp Lennon stir essence of Crosby into the vocal harmonies. “The interplay between Val McCallum and Greg Leisz on this album – the effortlessness of their chemistry is a gift really,” enthuses Browne.

This entry was posted on Samstag, 23. August 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    I do encounter all these old guys with respect, though not many deliver late works that come close to their salad days. In this case, I was bored by nearly everything Jackson Browne has released during the last decades – in that respect he rivals the miserable quality of the Rolling Stones discography since – i dunno – Tattoo You…

    There are three JB works that will always stay with me:

    For Everyone
    Late for the Sky
    Running On Empty

    I haven’t hearded them for a very long time, but I know they will stand the infamous test of time.

    For me he shares the fate of the Jarretts and Garbareks of the world. Stop the risks, you will be celebrated anyway. The forthcoming album hopefully undermines my expectations, but I have my doubts. Yes, it will be decent, and have its dignity. Like the last ones. More healthy than Valium anyway.

  2. Uwe Meilchen:

    I would choose the same three albums that you mentioned, and I couldn’t have articulated my doubts about his new release compared to his classic albums better.

    The cover story of the new MOJO Magazine will be about Kate Bush and her forthcoming concerts in GB. As everybody know she stopped after I think only one concert tour and it’s great to hear that she has now overcome her stage freight but I wonder if her performances can live up to the expectations of the audience.

  3. Karma Chameleon:

    True dat, Michael.
    Before The Deluge ist ein Killer-Song!

    „Some of them knew pleasure and some of them knew pain and for some of them it was only the moment that mattered.“ Hinterher war alles anders.

    Paul Nelson, ein US-amerikanischer Musikkritiker hat eine schön Geschichte über JB geschrieben. Nelson inspirierte auch J. Lethem zur schillernden und gestrandeten Figur des Perkus Tooth im leider mässig guten Chronic City!

    Hang loose

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