
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 12 Juli

… looking for the gift of sound and vision … (in london)

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 2 Comments

„(…) like all the best genius (like Another Green World) it recedes back into the horizon almost as soon as it appears“ (Ian McCartney) 

„(…) apparitions, three seconds make up one NOW, the label 12k is specialised in the disappearance of sounds, they should publish Bill Viola’s „Presence““ (M.E.) 


Rosy Keyser’s (b.1974) painting reaches beyond the limits of the canvas, inspiring abodily response to our existence in the material world. Interested in the intersection between people and the matter that surrounds us, she forages for materials which she then gesturally moulds, tears or deconstructs to reveal their intrinsic fragilities. Using large stretchers that seem window-like and operate as a grid, these materials are applied upon voids of space to suggest a sense of ritual and renewal. Decay and absence are in flux, emphasising past presence and action; a palimpsest of existence that waxes and wanes.

Integral to defining the aesthetic possibilities of video, one of Bill Viola’s (b.1951) rarer sound works, Presence (1995), offers a sensitive interpretation of human existence. First exhibited in the rotunda of the US Pavilion at the 46th Venice Biennale, voices from early childhood through to old age can be heard at the edge of audibility, whispering secrets and personal stories. The presence of the work can only be heard and felt, as sound vibrations pulse through the space.

And much more …

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  1. Michael Engelbrecht:


    4 Hanover Square
    London W1S 1BP

    Monday to Friday: 10.00 – 18.00
    Saturday: 10.00 – 17.00

  2. lajla:

    Auf dem Sommerrundgang 2014 in der Kunstakademie von Duesseldorf ist jetzt eine Abschlussarbeit von Satoshi Kosima zu bewundern. Er ist in der Doig Klasse, die endlich wieder gute Malerei zeigt. Satoshi malt sehr viel mit weiss und zarten rot und blau Toenen. Um die Lichtspiele zu betonen, versetzt er Spiegelungen mit gelben Lampen, die das ganze Bild scheinbar erhellen. Seine Figuren kommunizieren zwar in der gleissenden, aber ruhigen Lichtwelt sozial miteinander, stehen aber beziehungslos nebeneinander im Raum und zwar so orientierungslos, dass man selbst nie weiss, woher sie gerade kommen oder wohin sie gehen.
    Satoshi sollte man sich merken. Zu mal er noch nicht zu den jungen Kuenstlern gehoert, die „we are only in it for the money“ sind. [F.Zappa]

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