
on life, music etc beyond mainstream


(for all friends of David Mitchell, Paul Murray, James Joyce and, oh, I forgot this name of this very English guy who wrote wonderful funny old-fashioned novels!)


Egon  Loesers erstaunlicher Mechanismus zur beinahe augenblicklichen Beförderung eines Menschen von Ort zu Ort

This entry was posted on Dienstag, 7. Januar 2014 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    And for our English candidates: Ned’s new one, GLOW, will be released in April.

    „If Ned Beauman had won the Booker Prize in 2012 for his longlisted second novel The Teleportation Accident he’d have inched Eleanor Catton’s record by a year. Instead, he was – if you’ll forgive the image – beaten off by Hilary Mantel. Regardless, between that and his debut, Boxer, Beetle, Beauman’s prose – simultaneously dark, intelligent and some of the out-and-out funniest I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a long time – have established him as one of the most exciting voices in contemporary fiction. I’ve been sleeping with that psychedelic fox for a little while now – he’s a randy little bugger, but it’s bloody brilliant.“

    – Karl Smith, Literary Editor, The Quietus.

  2. Gregor:

    …ich bin gespannt.
    Habe heute gerade einmal mehr meine Schüler für David Mitchells Wolkenatlas begeistern können. Tolles Referat über das Buch gehört. Neuen Stoff für den Literaturkurs könnte ich dringend brauchen!

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Das wird auch für deine Schüler zu far out sein.

    Ich würde gerne mit so einer Rasselbande Urs Widmers Reise an den den Rand des Universums abhandeln (spielt zwischen 1948 und 1968 vorwiegend in der Schweiz), Schöne Ruinen, oder Neil Gaimans Meisterwerk, wenn es denn bald auf deutsch erscheinen sollte. Gut ist auch der historische Krimialroman GERMANIA. Im Hitler-Deutschland. Und dann noch ein Serienkiller. Völlig humorlos ist auch Das Handwerk des Teufels, thriller noir. Besser nicht. Haha.

  4. Michael Engelbrecht:

    And here, for our English readers, something possibly mouthwatering, the forthcoming book of Mr. Beaumon, GLOW…

    „If Ned Beauman had won the Booker Prize in 2012 for his longlisted second novel The Teleportation Accident he’d have inched Eleanor Catton’s record by a year. Instead, he was – if you’ll forgive the image – beaten off by Hilary Mantel. Regardless, between that and his debut, Boxer, Beetle, Beauman’s prose – simultaneously dark, intelligent and some of the out-and-out funniest I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a long time – have established him as one of the most exciting voices in contemporary fiction. I’ve been sleeping with that psychedelic fox for a little while now – he’s a randy little bugger, but it’s bloody brilliant.“ (Carl Miller, The Quietus)

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