„Simple and sophisticated, heartfelt with an edge, and a voice I love since the days of Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci. I even like those of his songs that are only half as good.“ (m.e.)
2013 2 Nov
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Euros Childs!
von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments
Michael Engelbrecht:
Chops (13 February 2006)
Bore Da (5 March 2007)
The Miracle Inn (27 August 2007)
Cheer Gone (27 October 2008)
Son of Euro Child (7 September 2009)
Face Dripping (6 December 2010)
Ends (28 November 2011)
Summer Special (20 August 2012)
Situation Comedy (21 October 2013) -
Michael Engelbrecht:
Since the demise of the much-missed Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci in 2006, frontman Euros Childs has released a dizzying array of solo records. His ninth called SITUATION COMEDY leaves behind the wearing synth experiments and lo-fi oddities of recent years for a set of witty piano-pop songs.
However, its character studies have a grim undertone – ‘Second Home Blues’ looks at how empty holiday cottages have damaged the Welsh countryside, and ‘Holiday From Myself’ is a portrait of a disaffected songwriter tired of being played “on a shuffle that never ends”. It ends with the 14-minute ‘Trick Of The Mind’, perhaps Childs’ most beautiful song ever. Maybe Gorky’s aren’t so missed now.
Tom Pinnock (NME)
Michael Engelbrecht:
(Live stream)