
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2013 9 Sep

Dress Code for visiting The Kilowatt Hour

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | 1 Comment

In the past, a long time ago, really, a lot of people who were going to David Sylvian concerts thought they were supposed to dress in black and wear deadly serious faces. In fact this was a way in which they expressed, at least for some hours, a world view full of soft existenzial darkness incl. some silver linings ranging from spiritual relief to healthy escapism. Going to The Kilowatt Hour, the fabulous trio with David Sylvian, Stephan Mathieu and Christian Fennesz, should encourage to delete all these fashion rituals. „Cool“ and „uncool“ are no longer categories that count, you can even wear flowers in your head. Go there with your favourite clothes, from Hawai, Rio, Milano, the suburbs of Trenchtown,  or Woolworth, leave all attitudes and signs behind that suggest you are extremely melancolic, a constant visitor of dark zones, or at some other bottom ground of  a shadowy half-life. The words set to music and the stripped-down music of the trio don’t deserve any posh and high brow games of beautiful losers. The music opens up wide spaces, a vastness with a breathtaking visual choreography. The  stories told are dealing with death, dying and last exits (in a very unromantic way). The purity of the performance  deserves an open mind. No charades, please!

This entry was posted on Montag, 9. September 2013 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. Jochen:

    Jeder Mensch hat einen Wunsch frei – so heisst es bei den Sufis. Mein CD-Wunsch der Stunde wäre wohl eine pure „Kilowattstunde“. Was die Charaden betrifft, da lese ich gerade im aktuellen Han-Buch Im Schwarm. Ansichten des Digitalen, dass Respekt mit dem eigenen Namen verbunden sei und Shitstorms mit den anomymen Maskeraden.

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