
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2013 16 Jan.

Mycroft: Quincunx

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog,Musik aus 2013 | TB | Tags:  | 2 Comments



nonine recordings proudly announces their upcoming album

non039 – mycroft. quincunx (cinematic, eclectic, experimental)

to be released on february 18.

sherlock holmes is one of the most fascinating fictional characters ever. published by sir arthur conan doyle between 1887 and 1914, his adventures and skills have since created a plethora of interpretations. wether it’s holmes’ ability to draw major conclusions from the smallest observations, or the thrilling decadence of the late 19th century bathed in an omnipresent, mysterious fog, doyle’s stories offer a fruitful ground for free creative interpretations.

next to holmes, his friend and biographer dr. john watson, and holmes’ obscure relation to irene adler, the stories cover a huge range of personal and interpersonal topics.
however, the two most captivating personages seem to be holmes’ brother mycroft and his archenemy professor moriarty, a.k.a the evil lord. this is where the latest nonine recordings release ‘mycroft. quincunx’ comes into play. the album is a sonic fiction dedicated to a literate one.

in command of deductive powers exceeding even those of his younger brother, mycroft holmes is nevertheless incapable of performing regular detective duty. instead he works for the british govermment, serving as a sort of human computer. ‘the conclusions of every department are passed to him, and he is the central exchange, the clearinghouse that makes out the balance’.

mycroft investigates in the hidden reasons behind john moriarty’s treatise ‘upon the binomial theorem’ that won the man the mathematical chair of a smaller university, and made him professor. soon he discovers cryptic links to the work of sir thomas browne, hermetic author and writer of ‘the garden of cyrus’, a neo-pythgorean vision of the interconnection of art, nature and the universe. the idiosyncatic work contains a vertiginous procession of visual imagery and objects, reinforcing constantly how god geometrizes via the symbols of the number five and quincunx patterns.

searching deeper in this subject, mycroft discovers philosophical and religious articulations leading him to another hermetic mathematician and analyst of occult studies, sir isaac newton, and his law of gravity. mycroft soon finds out that if professor moriarty would question these essential laws by proving their hermetic false background in the quincunx …

a society based on these laws had to fall apart …

sit back, relax, and listen to the musical score of this outrageous fiction.
mycroft holmes’ first own novel on the stunning mystery of the quincunx will hold your breath.

practicing both as artists and critical writers, italian experimental musician andrea ferraris and nonine head me raabenstein are the ones behind the mycroft project.
enjoy the plot they created and their melody !!!

watch the related video on vimeo and you’ll know …
mycroft. pyramids of tin

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2013 and is filed under "Blog, Musik aus 2013". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Kevin Faulkner:

    Ich hab schreiben ‘the garden of cyrus’, a neo-pythgorean vision of the interconnection of art, nature and the universe. the idiosyncatic work contains a vertiginous procession of visual imagery and objects, reinforcing constantly how god geometrizes via the symbols of the number five and quincunx patterns‘ – fur Wikipedia zehn jahren fruher ! Respondevous vous si’vous plait auf englische !

  2. Kevin Faulkner:

    Gruss ! Sir Thomas Browne war der Ur Sherlock Holmes !

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