
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2012 15 Dez.

Ivar Grydeland: Bathymetric Modes

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 3 Comments

Track Listing: Roll Back; Roll; Bounce Back; Ping Back; Bounce; Ping.

Personnel: Ivar Grydeland: tenori-on, guitars, banjo, mandolin, pedal steel guitar, ukulele, zither, keyboards. Xavier Charles: clarinet (5), „vibrating surfaces“ samples (6); Marius Tobias Hoven: trombone (2); Jonas Howden Sjøvaag: snare drums (2).

Full of wonder, rich in in its details, collected from several years, and, nevertheless, a strange unity with all its disparate elements, and a rather weird instrument called tenori-on that adds to the magic of a highly unconventional, but accessible collections of antiques and curious. One of the best Hubro releases anno 2012. Easy avantgarde. Purely instrumental. Guitars, too. Melodic lines and underlying weirdness. Amazing. The tilte suggests some under-water areas… Deliberately I’m not writing too much. The music leaves a lot of spaces open, the writers should not throw around their names and genres. It’s a bit disappointing when a musician says: – oh, I want to let the music for itself. Well, now, I’m saying exactly this.

Das tenori-on, sagt Wikipedia, besteht aus einem Magnesiumrahmen mit einer Matrix aus 16×16 LED-Tasten, über die wie bei einem Sequenzer kurze Loops und Patterns intuitiv programmiert und abgespielt werden können. Die Tasten dienen gleichzeitig zur Visualisierung der gespielten Musik. Auf der Rückseite befinden sich 16×16 LEDs, die während des Spiels spiegelverkehrt dieselben visuellen Effekte zeigen wie die Tasten der Vorderseite. Über eine MIDI-Schnittstelle können Daten mit anderen MIDI-fähigen Geräten ausgetauscht werden.

This entry was posted on Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    On his surprisingly, first (essentially) solo album, Bathymetric Modes, Grydeland shows the same grace and spacious adventure that makes many of his sessions captivating. Joined by members whom he has worked with over the years, on a couple of tracks, Bathymetric Modes feels right at home and quick to absorb as a first time listener. Bathymetric Modes is a real surprise for me. I did expect to like it from the first spin. But what I didn’t expect was how consistently I would come back to it. Time and time again. Simply fantastic.
    Jazzwrap (USA)

  2. Henning S.:

    Schade nur, dass die Spielzeit mit nicht einmal 32 Minuten doch etwas arg kurz ausfällt…

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Das seh ich entspannt. Vielleicht wäre, verzeih den alten Jazzkalauer, mehr weniger gewesen.

    Köners Novaya Zemlya ist auch nur gute 30 Minuten, und ein Meisterwerk.:)

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