
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2011 20 Sep.

Rick Holland: Panic Of Looking (older version)

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

panic of looking

night and day
to frost and sun
frost and sun
to smoke and fire
smoke and fire
to single cell

build and paint
to speed and weight
speed and weight
to miniature freight

flow and break
jumps wireless
and men shake hands
on invisible games

faster and faster and further away
down there, lives and land
relics of past days
sit in between shacks
piped electric and gas
and the chattering clouds
speculate charts
hopping over aeroplane paths

down by a lake
the camera shakes (the camera shakes)
the camera shakes
when he stops for the slow shot
a panic of looking at the what that we’ve got

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