
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2023 19 Jun

„Nan Madol“ (in memory of Michael Naura)

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | 4 Comments



This work by the composer and percussionist Edvard Vesala appeared in the 70s with the coloured cover, decades later with a black and white photo (only on cd). I would have left the sun picture untouched, it had become one with the music for many listeners who acquired „Nan Madol“ at that time. „A sleeve of desire“. The first time I had heard it on the island of Langeoog,  during a  Michael Naura radio show.  In the meantime, this record, overflowing with melodies, free floating jazz and nature sound inspirations, has disappeared from daily life on the market. It’s what I call a buried treasure. Perhaps this very special sun will unexpectedly shine on you at a record fair. Then it is important not to hesitate. Also, the first cover reveals much more about the music than that of the new edition. So much more it is than a „postcard stereotype“. And where harps come into play, I’ve been thinking of Iro Haarla, Alice Coltrane, and the Marx Brothers anyway ever since. And I will never forget my encounter with Vesala in the hinterland of Unna, Westfalen, before a concert with his Sound & Fury ensemble. And I will never forget that I missed the concert of Jan Garbarek, Arild Andersen and Edvard Vesala, in the „Domicil“, Dortmund in 1972. I told him how much I loved that one album of the trio, „Triptykon“. „Best Garbarek album“, he said with a grimming smile. We‘re talking secret gems here.

This entry was posted on Montag, 19. Juni 2023 and is filed under "Blog". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. Olaf Westfeld:

    Großartige Musik – stunning – necks before the necks – sehr suggestiv, kopfkino… und ich vermute, die Damen und Herren vom Fire!Orchestra kennen die Aufnahme auch.

  2. Michael Engelbrecht:

    The world is full of Echoes:)

    „World of Echo“ – that Arthur Russell treasure springs to mind…

  3. Olaf Westfeld:

    Worlds full of Echoes indeed – the pleasure is all mine ;)

  4. Alex:

    Das Titelstück. Ein Fiebertraum in Tönen. So könnte es sich auch im Regenwald anhören, ich war noch nicht da. Jon Hassell schon.

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