
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2020 5 Dez.

Beatstudio Berlin

von: Jan Reetze Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off



This memorial plaque was unveiled on December 4, 2020, on the school building in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Pfalzdorfer Straße 30.
The plaque says:


From 1968 to 1984, in the basement of this building the

Electronic Beat Studio

was located.

The Electronic Beat Studio was the creative nucleus for the 
„Berlin School of Electronic Music“.


This studio was founded by Konrad Latte, director of the Berlin Baroque Orchestra, and built and managed by Swiss avant-garde composer Thomas Kessler.

Bands like Agitation Free, Tangerine Dream and Ash Ra Tempel as well as solo artists like Manuel Göttsching, Klaus Schulze und Michael Hoenig have made this music known all over the world.

Donated in 2020 by Hans Zimmer and Bernd Kistenmacher

Here’s a short TV report.

Photo: OTFW, Berlin – CC BY-SA 3.0


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