
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 18 Juli

Stuart Staples on „Rock Bottom“

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off


„What can I say about this album? Probably my number one Desert Island Disc. As it soothes and comforts, it challenges and turns my ideas about music upside down. It offers a unique vision and singular sense of melody that is always left to run wherever it wants to go, always unexpected. This was Wyatt’s first music after his accident, his partner Alfie was working in Venice on the Nick Roeg classic Don’t Look Now and they were staying together on the Amalfi coast. He was writing with a little keyboard for the first time. Robert’s writing on this album has taught me much about the humbleness of loving one person. Without the influence of this album I could not have written ‚Memories Of Love‘.“


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