
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2018 30 Juni

Das Gespür für den Mainstream der Horizonterweiterung

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Tags:  | 5 Comments


Das MHQ musste eigentlich schneller handeln, aber es dauerte Monate, bis das Team aus dem Elfenbeinturm reagierte. Man wollte es kaum glauben, man sichtete und sondierte, und es wurde immer klarer: die ganz und gar grossartigen TV-Serien der letzten Jahre haben Standards gesetzt, denen die Gegenwart hinterherhinkt. Natürlich wird es auch weiterhin immer wieder mal erstklassige Serien geben, aber kaum in der power spot-Häufung vergangener Jahre – sie werden wie „Ausreisser“ daherkommen. Keine einzige 5-Sterne anno 2018. Die letzten überragenden Serienabenteuer waren Little Big Lies, dann dieser unfassbar gute, siebteilige Western, dem John Ford aus dem grossen Jenseits salutieren würde, gewiss auch die bittere Abrechnung mit US-amerikanischer Klassenjustiz, und einem Detective Fish, der die grosse Ahnenreihe der Marlowes und Spades bereicherte – sowie, kleiner Kalauer, das Beste kommt am Schluss. Auch Stranger Things 2 war noch richtig gut, aber weiterhin und dauerhaft über „Zweitbestes“ berichten zu wollen, ist nicht so prickelnd. Darum verschwindet die Rubrik „TV Series of the Month“ ab August von unserer Empfehlungsliste, und singuläre Begeisterungen werden entpannter Teil des „Blogtagebuches“ sein. Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Lost, The Leftovers, Justified, Halt And Catch Fire etc etc – those were the days. Es gibt eine Ironie in dieser Geschichte. Die Revolution begann (um dann eine Zeitlang kreativ zu verschnaufen), mit Twin Peaks und The X Files – und sie endete, im Grunde, mit David Lynchs tollkühner Zumutung und Hammerserie Twin Peaks – The Return.


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  1. Michael Engelbrecht:

    That said, following new TV series live up to high expectations:

    THE BRIDGE final season 4
    GLOW season 2
    THE AFFAIR final season 4

    And I‘m very sure the sixth and final season of THE AMERICANS will be another masterclass of fantastic and gritty spy story in 80‘s USA. Nathan Barr‘s excellent music is part of the now released cd with music from THE AMERICANS. Popmatters writes:

    While the show’s music has propped up many memorable scenes, The Americans is ultimately a quiet show. The two main characters, Elizabeth Jennings (Keri Russell) and Philip Jennings (Matthew Rhys) are stealthy, well-prepared, and extremely good at their work as spies, and thus even during the show’s most exciting moments, the pair often say nothing at all. Indeed, Russell and Rhys are also superb in their roles, often using their faces and bodies in wordless scenes throughout the series. Compositions like „Stealthy Pursuit“ are crucial for many moments of tension and action, but so much of the show’s overall excellence rests on shadows, stillness, and silence.

    Big disappointments:

    Secret City season 1 – complete spy story overload

    Goliath season 2 – poor Billy Bob Thornton in a second series that replaces subtlety and thrill with violence and thin, convoluted plotting

  2. Jochen:

    uups … Goliath 2 a miss? What a mess ;(

    For friends of Glow I also like to recommend the The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – with similar humorous firepower, ähm … Frauenpower.

    (“ … but when will I get from this island?“ he heard the voice of Sayid)

  3. Michael Engelbrecht:

    Still LOST? :)

    Waiting for your 64-page-survival-manual!!

  4. Michael Engelbrecht:

    According to the Guardian‘s eloquent and smart Julia Raeside, there‘s no dramatic shortcoming of five star-series. On THE GLOW, part 2, she writes:

    Brie, if anything, cranks up her powerhouse performance as she receives romantic interest from new cameraman while trying to boost her involvement in the show’s production. She’s so insanely likeable and resistant to the frequent smack-downs she receives, in and out of the ring, from the other characters.

    She’s the spirit of Glow – a walking, talking girl scout cookie with a past. I love this show because it sidesteps every single schmaltzy trap it could otherwise fall into, focusing as it does, on female friendship and empowerment. The women get to be powerful but there’s nuance to all of them. The female showrunners have created a vehicle for a band of female talent to portray something more than just romance or being murdered like so much of TV at the moment.

    Glow is a bubble gum explosion of nostalgia with a panto aesthetic, but it’s also a shot in the arm for a generation tired of women’s portrayal as victims or ball-breakers. It finds those females in between, backcombs their hair until it can’t get through doorways and watches them go.

    It is impossible to be unhappy watching Glow. Every half-hour serving leaves you hungry for more.

  5. Jochen:

    The last sentence could stand for a general phenomena of all those great TV Shows: beeing happy and hungry for more.

    May those appetizer-moments carry on forever …

    PS. „Brie“ of course means actress and comedian Alison Brie – the brilliantly annoying Trudy-Part of Pete in Mad Men.

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