
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2016 21 Sep.

Dana & Fox

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

Dana Scully: What are you talking about?

Fox Mulder: Some cannibalistic rituals are enacted with the belief that they can prolong life.

Dana Scully: Cannibalism is one thing, but increasing longevity by eating human flesh …

Fox Mulder: Think about it. From vampirism to Catholicism, whether literally or symbolically, the reward for eating flesh is eternal life.


(dialogue taken from „The X-Files“, season 2, penultimate episode, Our Town – recently, the whole „X-Files“ have been remastered, the visual/audio quality of the blu ray-reissues is impressive – one of the great TV-shows of the last decade of the last century has aged with dignity, and grim humour.) 

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