
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2016 17 Sep.

How to become a famous musician / sculptor / dancer

von: Martina Weber Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off



This is a shelfie of Jon´s media rack. Jon lives anywhere, everywhere. He wants to get his fifteen minutes, and even more: he fears to be forgotten, lost. He plays the guitar, he is young, so he starts to become a musician. So, firstly he collects his favourite current songs, to be part of zeitgeist. Jon is dissatisfied as an employee, but this will change. The guidebook said, try and start with your surroundings, so Jon is alert in watching it all, here a woman in a black dress, there the emptiness of it all. But where does real art come from? How do you recognize an excellent song? Does creative possibility lies in crisis? Has anyone who writes beautiful music suffered torture? Is it about facing your fears? Touch yourself, says the black swan to the white one. Loose control, says the girlfriend. You might live in the woods for months. You might have time, solitude, a room and your hands. But. Embrace your very reverse. Did you notice the billiard playing dogs? The restroom´s stench? One outstanding thread in a carpet? Let it be on the dancing floor. And love it all.


Lenny Abrahamson: Frank (movie)

Scott McCloud: The sculptor (graphic novel)

Darren Aronofsky: Black Swan (movie)

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