
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2015 18 Jan

Can you hear that whistle blow?

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off



Big Big Train is an English progressive rock band, founded in 1990. I’ve never heard anything from them, but I know now that Dave Gregory, known from his XTC-membership is part of this collective. I stumbled upon their name on the same day I found this photo. Maybe, if their music has a sense of humour and avoids grand gestures, this might be a nice cover for their next record.

More than 50 steam train-themed collectible objects and related artifacts are part of an exhibition to signify the widespread nature of railroading in popular American culture. An extensive variety of items is showcased, including a liquor decanter, cologn bottle, flower vase, ash tray, tea pot, bolo tie, candy container, to name a few.

Museum visitors might recognize an old Dylan song when entering the hall that repeats itself every thirty minutes: „Slow Train“ – Music critic Paul Williams has called it „the one track (on the album Slow Train Coming) that must be listened to again and again and again, inexhaustible, essential.“ Visitors might be inspired by it and challenged to examine these objects — often called „kitsch“ — more closely in an effort to understand how these items reflect popular culture and the period of time which they were created. No time travel activities requited, just find the right museum, and plan your next holiday. Manafonistas have free entry.

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