
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2014 13 Okt.

Rainy London Day

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off

What an expensive and slightly deranged hotel near St. Pancras, the wonderful old station with that giant clock and its old Roman numbers. On this journey, three records only are on discreet rotation in my oldfashioned discman, from Lucinda, Marianne and Scott. He’s called „Walker“, but the music of SOUSED is best played in silent corners of the town, on old wooden benches. Her name is Williams, and DOWN WHERE THE SPIRIT MEETS THE BONE is good for long walks in Highgate Cemetery and Hampstead Heath. Faithfull: nomen est omen, and this record is something to dance to invisibly, a quiet rave anywhere between London Bridge, the Docklands and Trafalgar Square. GIVE MY LOVE TO LONDON, for all the sentimental reasons, one being Mr. Eno singing 13 seconds in a Cohen cover. Somebody asked me if I would be excited or nervous to meet „The Walker“ tomorrow. Not really.  I even decided to not play any „smart Alec“-game. No Gertrude Stein questions! :) I read two recent interviews, I have three central questions in the back of my mind and will be improvising the rest. And then, in the evening, my first long visit in a church since 1978. There they play, on a possibly fantastic sound system (old Jamaican?), the music of SOUSED. That’ll be something.

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