There will certainly be another „lost classic“ from Ian’s archives. There will be a revealing essay about an early electronic masterpiece from Morton Subotnick. Gregory will open his „Plattenschrank“ again, and there will be Michael’s first edition of the „Radionacht Klanghorizonte“ in a three-hours-non-stop-format on June, 21st. The infamous new „p“-series will be continued, and there will be one of the first reviews world-wide of HIGH LIFE, the second Eno/Hyde-collaboration (in English language, slightly revised by the fabulous Bob T Bright) – but, best of all, there will be surprises all along the way, the 9th Manafonista will enter the scenery, and, unforgettable, Lugano has written „music history“ in June, with one of the most exciting ECM-productions in this young 21st century. But that will take its time. Anyway, five Manafonistas have bought Ruth Ozeki’s novel and are now diving deep into the mysteries of the ethereal here and now – hard to grasp, easy to miss. By the way, the probably best crime series of 2014 can be ordered on BluRay/DVD: season 1 of TRUE DETECTIVE will be released on June 9th! And who has done excellent soundtrack work on it: T-Bone Burnett!