
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

Magic Arm: Is History


Hey Marc, what a fantastic job! Our dad would be so happy to see what you have done with his old ciné film footage. It looks amazing. I love the whole album but this is definitely one of my most favourite tracks. (Great the way you’ve repeated the cheerleaders on the ‚Pledge Hard‘ beat.) Set to your wonderful music, the footage gives me goose-bumps each time I watch: seeingour Mum, my sister, Uncle Jack, myself, and all the others having so much fun. You have done our dad proud. Nice one, Marc! (writes Snowoutside)

Gosh, this one is a terrific singalong. Nice to get lost into that old film footage… The track  brings back the days I’ve been a cheerleader. Ya know: young and attractive and a bit crazy. I fell in love with another girl of the team, we were the secrets lesbians in that small city in the middle of Wisconsin. Sex was a forbidden fruit, the revolution didn’t arrive in Bullshit City, and though we had watched the moon landing with eyes wide open, and even Cassius Clay vs. Sonny Liston, exploring my lover’s body and getting lost in her curves and dark, dark secrets, surpassed it all. (writes Barroom) 


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