
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2012 9 Nov.

YEAR OF THE BULLET, a song cycle full of searching and wondering

von: Manafonistas Filed under: Blog | TB | Comments off




The spirits of Sylvian and Eno may, indeed, loom over Year of the Bullet, but the album speaks with its own voice, a combination of Aagre’s warm, articulate and deeply expressive voice – capable of fragile vulnerability and unbridled power – and Honoré’s sample-driven electronic landscaping. And Year of the Bullet clearly reflects Honoré’s ongoing work as co-Artistic Director of Punkt. „Punkt has mainly provided the craft: the knowledge or skill of working intuitively and swiftly with electronic instruments and samplers, and hopefully doing it with taste, which to a large extent means making the right choices,“ explains Honoré. „I believe Greta and I have had the singer/songwriter bit in us from way back, but the arrangements on this record needed the craft that the whole Punkt experience has taught us.“ (John Kelman)

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