
on life, music etc beyond mainstream

2011 5 Okt

Brett Anderson on Brian Eno´s „Music for Airports“

von: Michael Engelbrecht Filed under: Gute Musik,Musik vor 2011 | TB | Tags:  | 1 Comment

It was made right in the middle of the punk thing when everyone was trying to get more aggressive, and Brian Eno went away (…). If I had to just listen to one song for the rest of my life it would be ‚1/1‘. It’s not just a mellow thing, I’ve listened to it in the morning and it’s beautiful, I’ve listened to it last thing at night. I’ve listened to it as a stimulant and a calming thing, it does something very physical, very chemical to me. I’m always fascinated by how he made that track. Did he sit there and play it live for 17 minutes? Smoked some dope? I’ve always meant to ask him, I’m always bumping into him and I always forget. I see him having coffee in a café near me and we always have a nice little chat. He’s a lovely chap. I never let onto him how much of a fan I am because that would be weird and a bit distasteful. If I ran up to him saying ‚how did you do that track?!‘ he’d probably start backing off slowly

This entry was posted on Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011 and is filed under "Gute Musik, Musik vor 2011". You can follow any responses to this entry with RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

1 Comment

  1. Johannes:

    Was für ein interessanter Blog!
    Auf der Suche nach Informationen zu Steve Tibbetts‘ „Natural Causes“ bin ich hier hereingestolpert. Der Name der Seite ist mir auch gleich sympathisch. Und dann lese ich noch den Namen „Supersilent“ – hier werde ich öfter vorbeischauen!
    Und gleich, in der Mittagspause, muss ich wohl Craig Taborns neue CD kaufen gehen, Danke für die Empfehlung!

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